Translation & WPML
We will show you how to translate Theme and our Core-plugin using
- poedit
- WPML plugin
If you are running a Multi language site, you need to install the WPML plugin Or if you are running a Single language site other than English. Say for example if you are running “French” site only You can go with “poedit”.
- Designtheme is referring to Theme-folder (wp-content / themes / theme-folder(DIGIBit))
- fr_FR is referring to French language code
- “Designthemes-core” is referring to slug name of Core-Plugin
I. Poedit
Theme Translation:
First, you need to change language, For ex: “French”
Step 1 : Go to Dashboard / Settings /
General and select language(ex: French language ) then save settings.
Second, you need to create language-code.po file and translate words.
Step 2 : Please go to wp-content / themes /
digibit / languages / – Here you can find theme pot file
(In our older themes, you can see default.po file)
- For ex, designtheme-slug-name.pot – Rename this pot file into po file.
- Ex: designtheme-slug-name.pot into fr_FR.po (OR) default.po into fr_FR.poHere : fr_FR is French language code
Step 3 : Open fr_FR.po file and translate the words.
Finally you will get the mo file there while saving the .po file. After translating words you can check those changes in front-end.
Core Plugin translation:
Step 1 : Go to wp-content\plugins\Designthemes-core-features\languages – here you can find
dttheme-core.pot / default.po / dt_themes-default.po file
Step 2 : Rename dttheme-core.pot into dttheme-core-fr_FR.po. Open this po file and translate the words.
While saving this po file automatically mo file will generated ( then check front page.
Here: “dttheme-core” is slug name of Core-Plugin
Please visit this link for how to translate theme –
Note : Kindly refer the below link for how to merge the two PO files (new and old) together.
DIGIBit Theme has the capability to be used in any language.It is also possible to create a multilingual website with help of
WPML WPML plugin. Please read the FAQ section to get an idea.
- WPML – WPML official site
- Widgets Translation
– Check this link for translating WordPress widgets. - FAQ – Checkout this page to get basic idea of WPML
- WPML Forum Support –
You will get free support from WPML team once you have purchsed thier plugin.
You can download and install WPML manually, by downloading ZIP files from your account, or automatically, via the Plugins admin screen. Manual Download and Install In case you want to install WPML manually, follow these steps: Log in to your account. Go to the Downloads section. Download the WPML components that you need.
How to Use RTL
Step 1 – Dashboard > Setting > General > Site Language (select the langusge such as the Arabic or
Hebrew version.
Step 2 – Select the Site Language
Step 3 – Go ahead and click “Save Changes”.