I installed Kitty theme and even imported the demo files. However, I am still not able to set it up properly. Honestly, it’s the most difficult of any theme setup that I have encountered. I saw that you do theme installation services, where do I access that?
The site is https://topgurl.com
Hola tienes los archivos de demostración? a mi en la compra del tema no me vinieron en la descarga para ver si los puedo isntalar y te ayudo igual?
Hi @WeDesign.,
Thank you for contacting us.
You can import the demo content via the One Click Demo Import plugin. Kindly refer our knowledgebase link for how to import the demo contents using the One Click Demo Import plugin https://docs.wedesignthemes.com/dt_articles/one-click/
Please check your server requirements., Please refer the below link for server requirements http://docs.wedesignthemes.com/dt_articles/requirements-for-theme/
Please mail us your site credentials (WP & FTP access logins) immediately via the private reply., So that, We import demo data for you.
Please refer : https://prnt.sc/oOZUKM_CSXOH
Hi @WeDesign.,
Kindly get into Admin Panel > Elementor > Settings > General > Post Types > Header and Footer and enable the option.
Please refer : https://prnt.sc/Egax1SNFEjoL
Please refer : https://docs.wedesignthemes.com/dt_articles/dt-fw-woocommerce/
If the issue persists, please more details about your issue, help us have a better understanding of it by getting back with any Screenshot / Video like references to our support team and we will gladly assist you.
Utilize any of the following websites to capture the screenshot and provide the image URL in this forum
Thank you!
Can you please more details about your issue, help us have a better understanding of it by getting back with any Screenshot / Video like references to our support team and we will gladly assist you.
Thank you, we look forward to helping you!
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